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Headmagnet Blog

News, updates, articles, tips, and tricks on Headmagnet

  • Scheduled Downtime: 2015-10-20 6:00:00 AM UTC

    by andyman on October 19, 2015

    There will be some downtime on:
    2015-10-20 6:00:00 AM UTC

    Our hosting provider, Linode, will be performing some updates on their infrastructure, requiring up to 2 hours downtime for our servers.


  • Scheduled server maintenance this Friday night (April 18, 2014)

    by andyman on April 16, 2014

    There will be some system downtime on Friday night going into Saturday morning, depending on your time zone, starting 3:00 AM EDT on April 18, 2014.

    P.S. Many people have asked about a mobile app, and that is high on the priority list, but we just don't have the funding to develop it right now.

    1 comment

  • New Feature: Using Existing Lists As Templates For New Lists

    by andyman on March 07, 2013

    You can now use any existing study list to create a new empty list with the same fields and same study modes.

    On the study list's page, click the "Use As Template" button:

    This feature is available to all users.


  • Headmagnet Now Supports Audio Fields

    by andyman on November 14, 2012

    Headmagnet now allows you to create flashcards with audio/sound fields, in addition to text and image fields. You can now upload MP3, WAV, OGG, M4A and MP4 audio files. Use it to practice spelling, identify bird calls, or practice a foreign language.

    Here is an example list with audio.

    Here's how to add your own audio fields:

    1. In a study list, click "+ New Item" to start adding a new item.
    2. In the item, click the "Add New Field". Enter in the name for the field (ex: "Sound") and set the field type to "Audio" and then click "Add" to finish adding the new field.
    3. You can now upload an audio file into that field. The audio file should be an MP3, WAV, OGG, M4A and MP4, and be under 2 MB in size. If it is longer than 10 seconds in length, then it will be clipped to the first 10 seconds.
    4. Click Save and Add Another or Save to upload it. Depending on your internet connection and the size of the file, it may take a few seconds for it to be uploaded. Do not leave the page until the file is done uploading.
    5. You can configure the options for presenting the audio field as a cue or a response in the mode options page.


  • Secure/Encrypted Headmagnet Experience

    by andyman on August 18, 2012

    Headmagnet now offers a more secure studying experience through secure encryption (HTTPS).

    When you are logging in with your username/password or through Facebook, Headmagnet will make sure any data passed between you and Headmagnet are securely encrypted by using SSL encryption.

    This will make Headmagnet safer for use in environments such as internet cafes, schools, libraries, airports, and other places with public internet.

    The encryption may make the pages load a little slower. If you still want to use unencrypted connections after you log in, just replace the "https://" in the browser location with "http://".

