Devin Roza LC
Shared study lists (132)
These are the study lists that Devin Roza LC has shared with you:
Greek Bible Vocabulary - 100x-200x »
Biblical Greek vocabulary: Words which appear between 100 and 200 times in the New Testament. Greek words are offered in both a short and long version so that you can adjust your flash cards to display the form you prefer to study.
94 items | in 11 heads | Public
Greek Bible Vocabulary - 200x or more »
Biblical Greek vocabulary: Words which appear 200 times or more in the New Testament. Greek words are offered in both a short and long version so that you can adjust your flash cards to display the form you prefer to study.
81 items | in 8 heads | Public
Head Contents
- 0.4%
- 0.4%
- 0.4%
- 805
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- 805
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- 805
Study Habits
- 1 day
Friends (4)