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Mauri A. Rapp

Shared study lists (4)

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These are the study lists that Mauri A. Rapp has shared with you:

  • High School Journalism: Vocabulary »

    Please type the correct word or words for the following definitions.

    10 items | in 2 heads | Public

  • High School Journalism: Multiple Choice »

    For the following questions, please select the letter that corresponds to the best or most correct answer (only one) from the choices provided. Do not include brackets with your answer; for example, if A corresponds with the correct answer, input ...

    4 items | in 2 heads | Public

  • High School Journalism: Fill the blank »

    Please fill in the missing word or words for the following sentences.

    8 items | in 1 head | Public

  • High School Journalism: True or False »

    Please select True or False for the following statements. If a statement is false, please think about (but do not answer) what would make it true? (Note: During this portion of your test you will be required to correct false sentences in order to ...

    8 items | in 1 head | Public

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  • 3 minutes

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