Study Modes:
Items: 32
- Why has our snack habits changed?
- List some hot food snacks?
- List some some snacks in the milk and dairy product category
- List some snacks in bakery products
- List some snacks in bars
- List some confectionery snacks
- List some savoury product snacks
- List some fruit and vegetable snacks
- How much is the snack market worth?
- Which area of the snack market has experienced the most growth?
- What is the largest and most important manufacturer in the snack market?
- Discuss PepsiCo
- How much of the snack market does PepsiCo own?
- What are the other key manufactures? What do they produce?
- What are the key manufactures of cereal bars? What % of the market do they own?
- How many home snacking occasions are there every year?
- How many on the go snacking occasions are there a year?
- What % of Irish adults snack between meals?
- In Irish adolescents what % of total calorific intake comes form snacks?
- What % of calorific intake comes from snacks in Finish adolescents?
- What target market purchases snacks with a health claim?
- What target market group favours fruit and vegetables as a snack?
- What target market group favours crisps/potato snacks/baked goods as a snack?
- In Ireland what is the ratio of children aged 5-12 that are obese?
- What is the ratio of adults in Ireland that are obese?
- What % of Irish teenage boys are overweight?
- What food education programs are in place in Ireland?
- (blank)
- What are 6 current snack trends?
- What are the new recommendations for Fruit and Veg?
- What are the health benefits of nuts and seeds?
- What are the health benefits of whole grains?