keyboard shortcuts for Emacs text editor
34 items
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The basics of the Objective-C programming language for someone who already knows C. For Mac OS X Cocoa development. Study using the self-test option.
50 items
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Basic nouns in Cantonese
15 items
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Given the English, recall the Cantonese pronunciation
in 1 head |
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Given the Cantonese pronunciation, recall the English
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Counting in Cantonese
35 items
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Given the English number, recall the Cantonese pronunciation
in 1 head |
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Given the Cantonese pronunciation, recall the English
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Pronouns in Cantonese
6 items
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Given the English, recall the Cantonese pronunciation
in 1 head |
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Given the Cantonese pronunciation, recall the English
in 0 heads |
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