andyman's shared study lists (28)
Lists | Study Modes |
Lincoln's Gettysburgh Address »Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburgh Address, given in Gettysburg Pennsylvania, November 19, 1863 during the American Civil War. 24 items | in 13 heads | Public |
First 50 digits of Pi »Remember it through a piem (pi poem). The number of letters in each word corresponds to the digit of pie. 8 items | in 10 heads | Public |
Canadian Provinces and Territories »Names, Capitals, Maps, Postal Abbreviations, and Largest Cities of each Canadian Province. 13 items | in 47 heads | Public |
Days in each Month »Number of days in each month. (Most people know this, but I always forget, so I'm going to put it in my head so I can finally learn it for good) 12 items | in 26 heads | Public |
Bible Memory Verses »Here's my growing list of Bible memory verses I want to remember. I'll try to add some new ones every week. I'd recommend studying this in the self-test mode. (Quotes are from the New International Version) 22 items | in 29 heads | Public |