Refresher on PHP
41 items
| in 23 heads
| Public
11 items
| in 27 heads
| Public
Ruby on Rails cheatsheet
22 items
| in 9 heads
| Public
Example for making a names and faces list.
7 items
| in 1 head
| Public
Given the face, recall the name
in 1 head |
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Given the name, pick the right face.
in 1 head |
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Presidents of the United States of America, their names, dates, party, and order
44 items
| in 89 heads
| Public
Given the previous president, select the next president
in 86 heads |
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Given the president, recall the party
in 77 heads |
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Given the president, recall the year that the president took office and left office
in 76 heads |
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